Waiting With Patience

“But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold.” (Psalm 105:13 NIV)

The psalmist us reminding us of the Lord’s unfailing love and His untarnished record. He even implies that our forgetfulness of God’s character could be a sin. Still God saves us, despite our soul amnesia and unfaithfulness.

Our family is currently in a season of wait and I’m afraid it’s gotten the best of me. Every email ‘ding’ has me salivating like Pavlov’s dog and it’s not the kind of Christ-follower I want to be. I’m self-conscious of my consternation: I know it does not reflect God’s peace in my heart.

Many friends have warned me; don’t pray for patience, the Lord will give you opportunity to develop it. I respectfully disagree. This life is fraught with opportunity already. Our patience will be tested, it is inevitable. We may as well pray for the necessary tools to pass the test.

This morning I’ve been reminded by several scriptures that my idea of slow is still on time from God’s perspective. Some decisions are weighty and require fullest attention to smallest detail. At the end of the day, we all want that right fit. Measure twice, cut once sort of thing.

I think I read it in an Ann Voskamp book, how hurry makes amateurs of us all. I think of anything important that I put my hand to: driving, baking, cleaning, sermon-writing, child-rearing, and I know Ann is right. I remind myself; slow down, soul. Wait on the Lord and let His good plan unfold. His best is well-worth the time it takes to be revealed.

“I remain confident of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:13-14 NIV)

Lord, we wait on You, knowing full-well we need Your help to learn to wait well. We go ahead and ask for patience because ordinary life demands it. Please equip us by Your Spirit to wait on Your good and perfect will. We want the life You design for us, not the version we can piecemeal together on our own. Give us grace as we stand by for further instruction. Amen.

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