The Best Is Still Ahead

In seasons of crisis, we can choose to listen to proven voices. Scripture is the most proven voice of all. We go with the Word instead of our feelings. We follow God instead of our gut. And God promises, the very best is still around the bend.

Preach The Word

Ordination season is upon us. Every year at District Council, pastors gather and pray over new candidates as their call is publicly affirmed. For me personally, it’s an annual opportunity to re-up, to affirm my commitment to answer the call in every way possible.

From the Sidelines

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you: therefore He will rise up to show you compassion.” (Isiah 30:19 NIV) One of my all-time favorite movies is Father of the Bride. If I’ve seen it once, I’ve probably seen it thirty times. The movie…