It’s Trust O’Clock

"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." Selah (Psalm 62:8 NASB1995)

We have a friend who often texts before dawn. The sun isn’t up, but he is already foraging through the word for sustenance. This morning, it was this verse, and it woke up my mind immediately: “It’s trust o’clock.”

See, this evening, our youngest boards a plan bound for the other side of the world. She’s meeting her aunt for ten days of adventure, but she’ll have to navigate initial international connections on her own. Rob and I have put her through the paces; preparing her for the process, but we still wish an experienced traveler was making the journey with her. She’ll be navigating airports with populations larger than cities we’ve lived in, but also language barriers and time zones. It’s enough to make any parent a little anxious.

Almost ten years ago, when we first flew into Turkey, the Lord let me know He was everywhere and everywhere. He assured an anxious mother; He was as with me on the far side of the world as He was with my kids at home in San Antonio. Now the tables have turned and I have to trust that He will go with our daughter while He stays here with me. And today’s scripture handed me the means require: whenever and wherever, it is trust o’clock.

I’ve shared before how the hourly haptic on my Apple watch serves as a touchpoint for prayer. These next ten days, I’m going to reminds myself at the top of every new hour, it’s trust o’clock.

"The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trust in You. Trust in the Lord forever for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock." (Isaiah 26:3-5 NASB1995)

Forever. It’s plain as day in the text; it’s always trust o’clock.

Lord, forgive us for our forgetfulness. Thank You for friends who text before dawn and scripture that stands the test of time. Today we see it clearly; it’s trust o’clock. Please teach us to abide completely. Amen.

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