Desperate and Devoted

"Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there named Zacchaeus..." (Luke 19:1-2 NIV)

Jesus adapts His schedule to meet our desire.

The NIV tells us that Jesus was just passing through Jericho. It was a drive-by community on the way to Jerusalem. With the hindsight of history, we know what Jesus was moving toward: arrest, trial, death and resurrection. He had critical Kingdom tasks ahead and still, He allowed himself to be interrupted. Zacchaeus’ desperation and devotion caught the attention of the Messiah, and Jesus rearranged His important plans to sit with such a dedicated man.

"When Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today. So he came down at once and welcomed Him gladly." (Luke 19:5-6 NIV)
An old sycamore tree in downtown Jericho.

What does this tell us two thousand years later? Jesus still changes plans to sit with desperate and devoted people. Our scramble to get out of bed and into our bible before the day begins still gets His attention. Any time we’ll exert effort and risk reputation to ‘see’ Him, He’ll take the time to meet with us. He will sit in our proverbial house for as long as we’ll make room. He still tabernacles with desperate and devoted folks.

Additionally; His dedicated presence remains costly. Zacchaeus was deeply affected by his personal visit with Jesus. His life was changed during a dinner party! Intimate interactions with Jesus will rearrange us. Our conversation with Christ will alter our motives, agenda and appetite.

Lastly: our time with Jesus has eternal outcomes. Salvation came to Zacchaeus that day and our interactions with Christ have the same consequence. Searching Him out, inviting Him into our heart-house and arranging our lives around the relationship will all have effects on eternity – ours and also the souls around us. Zacchaeus was transformed by Jesus’ presence. His community surely took note when he ceased demanding and started releasing. Our neighbors still notices when Jesus starts to hang out at our house. We are softened toward others when we tabernacle with Him.

“Kindness can become a conduit to help others discover God and accept His salvation.”

Karen Ehman, Listen Love Repeat

When Jesus comes to live in our house, we become more aware of the folks living outside of His presence. We learn to long for them to experience the healing and wholeness we’ve found in Him.

"Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house," (Luke 19:9 NIV)

Honestly, I don’t believe Jesus needed to say what Zacchaeus already knew in his heart. He felt his salvation in real time, he was surely lighter, truer, fuller. Jesus stated it for the benefit of those outside of the relationship looking in. He said it so His words would be recorded in scripture. He laid out a path that you and I and anyone who flips through these pages or hears this text preached could understand. Jesus is available and salvation is in reach for the desperate and devoted.

Jesus still makes time for those that seek Him. He comes into places where He’s invited. He tabernacles with those who are dedicated to His presence. It’s certainly happy news for us!

Lord, may we remain desperate and devoted. How marvelous that You make time for us! What a gift it is for You to tabernacle with ordinary people! We are changed by Your presence. Rearrange us. Change our motives, agendas and appetites. Soften our hearts and affect eternities as we continue to make room for You. Amen.

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