
“But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed of his royal throne and stripped from his glory.” (Daniel 5:20 NIV)

Daniel was speaking the Belshazzar, the relatively new king of Babylon. Daniel was reminding the king of his father’s ways, his lifelong wrestle with pride and arrogance. Remember, Nebuchadnezzar struggled to keep God on the throne of his heart. Daniel told Belshazzar he was not off the hook, he accountable to what he knew.

“But you, Belshazzar, his son, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this. Instead you set yourself up against the Lord of of heaven… you did not honor the God who holds in His hands your life and all your ways.” (Daniel 5:22-23)

The consequences for Belshazzar disobedience despite his knowledge of God were great. He was slain that very night and King Darius replaced him on the throne of Babylon.

What does this text mean for the modern reader?

I believe it means we are accountable to what we know. This thought sends a shiver through my spine having grown up as an eager pastor’s kid and a voracious reader. We are responsible to live according to our experience with God and His Word. Just as Belshazzar had a first row seat on his father’s pride and humiliation, we have reaped much in the pew over the years. 

Pride and arrogance are timid at first. They slip into our lives almost unnoticed but grow into strongholds over time. Humility, however, takes effort, even practice. It’s thinking of ourselves less and our God more. Humility grates against our very flesh, but meekness is our over and over repeated instruction. 

We pray and ask the Spirit to help us in our weakness. We welcome His searchlight to expose the areas where pride lies in wait. We request divine perspective to see God rightly. We rely on His leading to walk in the way that honors God most. 

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV)

Lord, help us remember what we’ve learned and walk in daily application. Let us learn from the example of others and the witness of Your Word. Humble our hearts as we consider Your majesty. Shrink us down to appropriate stature; continually convinced of Your power and might. Amen.

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