Loss Prevention

“The satraps were made accountable to them so the King might not suffer loss.” (Daniel 6:2 NIV)

This is the preface to a favorite Bible story; Daniel in the lions den. It includes an interesting detail that supports a spiritual principle. King Darius’ government is described: 120 satraps (local rulers) were put in charge, overseen by three administrators (one of which was Daniel). The satraps were accountable to the administrators so the King would not suffer loss.

Here’s the principle: accountability insulates against loss. We inherently know this from a financial perspective. Careful records, receipt systems, budgets and spending procedures all foster monetary transparency: guarding against misappropriation of funds or embezzlement. A lack of accountability in money management – whether person or corporate – inevitably leads to mishandling. Mishandling can result in debt, bankruptcy or at the very least, waste. All of which we would categorize as loss.

I see the Kingdom application. Just as accountability creates stability and growth potential in our finances, accountability creates stably and growth potential in spiritual matters. Bringing a buddy into the interior of our life insulates us against loss. Openly sharing our struggles and pitfalls, discussing areas of growth and discipline, confession and prayer for one another – these are all systems we can put in place to prevent spiritual depletion.

We can go it on our own. Many of us have. But let me ask in my best Dr. Phil impression: “How’s that working out for us?” Going it alone in our spiritual life is an ideal set up for loss. Many of those losses are avoidable with just a bit of accountability.

God wants us to grow. He wants us to look a little more like Him with each passing week and month and year. Losses have a way of draining our account like bank fees and interest charges. Even small but consistent losses can keep us from fully becoming the man or woman of God we were created to be. Accountability insulates our growth process, protects us a bit more from the losses. At first, it is uncomfortable to be transparent with our struggles. Moral vulnesrabitliy is not in keeping with our culture of strong self-love, but practice accomplishes so much positive for the Kingdom we have to consider it. Spiritual accountability insulates us against loss.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:8 NIV)

Lord, we have surely gone it alone long enough. Help us find a trustworthy individual to share our struggle. Lead us by You Spirit as we foster vulnerability and intercede for our areas of spiritual lack. Insulate us against the loss that we constantly battle. Shore up our weaknesses through the careful consideration and intercession of our spiritual brothers and sisters. Help us grow more readily into Your image. Amen.

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