Wilderness Either Way

"For Jesus had already commanded the evil spirit to come out of him. This spirit had often taken control of the man. Even when he was paced under guard and put in chains and shackles, he simply broke them and rushed out into the wilderness, completely under the demon's power." (Luke 8:29 NLT)

Did you catch it? Satan drove the demoniac into the wilderness. I read this and realized: we are headed to the wilderness either way: of our own volition with Jesus or by Satan’s extortion.

Years into our journey, we may be tempted to gripe about our wilderness experience with Jesus, but it’s helpful to recall, we are living here by invitation. To follow Jesus is to embark on a journey of sanctification by way of the wasteland. It is a turn-by-turn adventure while trusting His navigation, protection and provision. We may grow weary of the journey and wish for a more permanent residency. That’s actually intentional. Our ache produces perseverance as we make our way Home with Him.

What we fail to see is that the enemy drives us into solitary places, also. He chains us up in our sin and sends us into spiritual exile. Only, we wind up in the vast unknown apart from God’s soothing presence. It’s an entirely different experience. The demoniac wailed his way through his nights and weekends, endlessly alone and miserable.

Of course, the enemy doesn’t present his offer so plainly. His invitation smacks of indulgence and independence. Who would sign on for a life of chains and exile? But we can’t afford to forget; he is a liar and a thief. All his enticements devolve into entrapment and isolation.

Beloved; we are headed into wilderness either way. The stretch between here and eternity is tough traveling. We either go with God and experience His intimate attentions OR we go on our own under the illusion of freedom. I, for one, would rather follow a proven guide and loving God.

"Who is that coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?" (Song of Songs 8:5 ESV)

Lord, please forgive us for resenting the wilderness You’ve called us into. We forget that we are bound to experience it either way; with You or without You. Today we are grateful for Your accompaniment. Our confidence is renewed in Your ability to carry us through. Thank You for freeing us from slavery, that we might choose to follow You. Amen.

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