”One generation commends Your work to another; they tell of Your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:3 NIV)
Perhaps it was the bleariness of sleep still working its way from my eyes, but I initially read this as “recommends” this morning. Immediately my mind jumped to the myriad of things I tend to recommend: books, recipes, movies, restaurants, hair products, and walking shoes. When I find something remotely wonderful, I’m all for sharing it with others. One youth group Christmas, I copied Oprah and hosted a favorite things party.
We are quick to recommend stuff, but how readily we share the best best gift we’ve ever received? Commend isn’t much different than recommend. When we commend we are presenting a product or person with our approval, praise and acceptance. This is a critical task for believers, it’s how we make God know in our corner of the world. We’ve been divinely commissioned to tell, but also, when our hearts are aptly full of Him, we can’t help to share the good news.

This time of year is ripe with opportunity to tell. Are we willing? Eager? Invested? I think back to those shepherds. They were uneducated, unimpressive, common men — pretty much the opposite of Oprah. And yet, when they met the Savior in a manger, they couldn’t help but tell. What about us?
”When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told to them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them,” (Luke 2:17 NIV)
Lord, fill us up today with joy and wonder afresh. It is ludicrous to think the Son of God would come to earth and live and die for our sake, yet You did. Give us courage as we openly commend You to the next generation of potential believers. Embolden us with Your Spirit this Christmas. Open our mouths with Your truths. Amen.