Wake Up and Get Dressed

“Awake, awake and put on thy strength, O Zion; put on beautiful garments, O Jerusalem,” (Isaiah 52:1-2 KJV)

God was instructing Israel to clothe herself in the rightful strength that belonged to her because of her position as people of God. Doesn’t this also apply to the born again believer? Each day I enter my closet and choose clothes to cover my frame. Similarly, we can choose how to dress our soul. Strength is an option in our wardrobe because God paid the price for it to be there. We might as well wear it! Strength isn’t like our favorite t-shirt, it can’t be worn out, tattered or torn. It only gathers muscle with each wearing. Our confidence in God’s covering only grows with use.

Awake and put on strength; what powerful instruction for the people of God. Shake off the dark of night and dust of drowsiness. Awaken our soul and willingly slip on the yoke of strength availed to us through our Savior.

Putting on strength is an intentional act. It’s freely offered to us, but never forced on us. We choose to come fully awake and clothe ourselves in the garment He offers.

“Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in the time to come.” (Proverbs 31:25 KJV)

So often we choose to wear lesser things: sorrow, apathy, boredom and anxiety are the stretchy pants of our emotional wardrobe. But strength is that snappy jean jacket; the one you’ve had for ten years but never quite goes out of style. It goes with everything and proves it’s worth in all weather.

Resist the urge to reach for comfy clothes today. They do nothing for your spiritual figure. Instead, ask God to hand you the strength you need to walk through your day in Kingdom style.

Lord, forgive us for being lazy in our spiritual dressing. We see that You have gone to great lengths to offer us clothes that fit and form us more into Your image. May we reach for strength today; slipping our arms in and marveling at discovery of the missing piece. Clothe us in strength as we face whatever the day might hold. We are grateful for the perks of being Yours. Amen.

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