Truth Over Feelings

“I seriously considered inflicting my anger on them in force right there in Egypt. Then I thought better of it. I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt.” (Ezekiel 20:9 MSG)

I first read this scripture in this translation a week ago. It arrested me. This is God speaking and yes, it’s the Message so it’s a transliteration but let’s go ahead and check it across translations; the heart of the message stays intact.

“But for the sake of my name, I brought them out of Egypt. I did it to keep My name from being profaned.” (NIV)

“For I acted to protect the honor of My name.” (NLT)

“But I wrought for My name’s sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen…” (KJV)

Across translations, the message is the same. When the Israelites were in Egypt, God lost His cool with them and He briefly considered major reparations. Wait a minute… while they were still in Egypt? Before the Exodus He was already tested in patience with His people? This is the first time we’ve read of that.

Biblically, the years in Egypt were brief. Jacob and family arrive under Joseph’s care in Egypt at the end of Genesis. Joseph and Pharaoh died off and eventually everyone who knew what Joseph did for Egypt died, too. Four hundred years pass in a sentence or so and Exodus begins with an enslaved people group. We don’t know that they’d been aggravating the Almighty for four hundred years and He was ready to wipe them off the planet entirely. But it’s not surprising if we consider the track record of humanity.

But God chooses to act out of His character, not His compulsions.

Dominus Flavit; a chapel shaped like a teardrop.
This is the spot on the Mount of Olives where our Lord prayed through the night over the cup of suffering He was about to drink deeply. In His darkest hours, He chose truth over feelings.

What a powerful instruction for us, His people. If God – who IS just and kind and all-knowing and true and entirely faithful – if He has to pause and recall His character over His convictions, then how much moreso must we?

My youth pastor growing up said over and over “Choose truth over feelings.” This is why it is essential that we know the Word and hide it in our hearts; so that when our feelings are loud we can consult our knowings instead.

“Think it over. God will make it all plain.” (2 Timothy 2:7 MSG)

O Lord, we love the witness of Your Word. Thank You for being so vulnerable with us; revealing Your inner struggle and paving the way for our own personal victories. Help us to act out of who You are in us rather than our emotions. May we make decisions out of character, not compulsions. May we think and therefore act like our Father. Amen.

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