Trust Amidst Adventure

*this is the last article from our Italian expedition**

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5 NASB1995)

We had really managed to get ourselves in a pickle this time. Our long layover in Istanbul was supposed to include a complimentary hotel room and city tour, but after we had obtained our visas and made it through customs, we were informed that our flights definitely didn’t qualify. For five hours we traipsed all over the airport, only to discover dead ends.

Here’s a photo of how we were feeling about Istanbul at the four-hour mark. :/

Finally, after our fourth discussion at the TourIstanbul desk, an employee took pity on two weary Americans. “I know a guy” turned into a cash commitment. He promised a hotel, breakfast and two airport transfers for 120 euros.

Honestly, we both wondered if we were being taken. What alternative did we have? We found an ATM, paid an outrageous amount in fees, and told the man, “Make it happen.” For the next twenty minutes, Rob researched hotel rates and fretted. I prayed that this plan was legit; that we wouldn’t wind up in a bathtub full of ice with a few less organs.

At our airline employee’s instructions, we made our way out to meet our shuttle. Sure enough, at pillar 15 in the parking lot, a stranger inquired in strained English: “Thoreson?” Upon affirmation of our identity, he seized my luggage – all that I possessed on this side of the planet – and led us to a black BMW minivan. (I didn’t even know that was a thing!) I remember thinking this was the moment of truth; the door slid open revealing a white leather interior, LED mood lighting and limousine seating. We gingerly climbed in as the unnamed man loaded our bags into the back. If we were being kidnapped, we were going in style.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up to a luxurious hotel and he offered to take our photo for a souvenir. Turns out, Hidden Hills is a four-star only a few miles from the airport. We may very well have stayed ‘under the table’ but we remain indebted to these gracious strangers. The gentlemen at the TourIstanbul desk had shared it was my birthday, so the hotel concierge upgraded us to a suite. It wound up being the most beautiful room we’ve ever rented out of country. Never have we been so happy to lay our heads down in safety.

Here’s how we felt about Istanbul the next morning after a good night’s rest in a beautiful hotel. 🙂

It occurred to me that following God can feel a lot like climbing into a Turkish stranger’s minivan. It’s humbling and scary to entrust ourselves to another’s care and keeping. We can fret and freak out, or we can relax and enjoy the journey, trusting that the God of the universe has us completely.

"Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord God is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation." (Isaiah 12:2 NASB1995

Lord, this life really is an adventure. Yet, Your track record is impeccable. Give us the guts to relax and enjoy the journey. You have good things promised for Your kids. You’ll carry us through each and every situation. The sooner we see that, the better travelers we become. Help us rest in Your presence, trusting that You have this also. Amen.

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