Trademarks of Sheep

“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27 NIV)

Jesus very clearly lays out the qualifications for sheep.

Sheep listen. Jesus’ sheep lean in for Jesus’ voice alone. They tun out the other voices and influences. This truth feels critical in a world gone mad (angry, accusatory, upside-down and immoral). Jesus’ sheep listen to Him only.

Sheep are known. The sheep of Jesus walk in ongoing intimacy with Him. Known implies fullness: nothing withheld or redacted. The beauty of our friendship with Christ is in His total awareness of our shortcomings and His determination to love us perfectly despite them. How wondrous!

Sheep follow. Jesus’ sheep do whatever they need to do to stay close. Trespass pushes us away from God, obedience draws us near. The sheep of Jesus practice repentance often and strive to follow His instructions wholly.

Self-examination time: are we sheep? Do we listen? Is His voice the loudest? Have we let Him know us fully? Do we lay our lives bare before Him and receive His love in spite of our flaws? Are we obedient to the written instruction of His Word and the leading of His Spirit?

Sheep listen. Sheep are known. Sheep follow.

“Then we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will praise Your name forever; from generation to generation we will proclaim Your praise.” (Psalm 80:13 NIV)

Lord, we long to be sheep. Let us listen well. We lay our lives before You; cover us with the hem of Your grace. Grant us the devotion to walk in obedience. We want to be part of Your flock forever. Amen.

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