Together In God’s House

(Psalm 122:1 NIV) I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

We read today’s text and make two observations.

First off, going to God’s house is a privilege. Imagine being invited to the White House or Buckingham Palace. You’d be pretty thrilled, right? Regardless of your political leanings, it would be a big deal. You’d be pretty pumped, maybe hoping to meet the chief resident themself.

Now realize, the God of the Universe has invited you to His house and He’s longing to meet with you. He’s got a word prepared, an experience planned. He wants nothing more than to spend a few minutes together.

Secondly, it’s a privilege to gather with other believers. Now, I might have had a hard time convincing you of this fact pre-covid. But in a pandemic-receding culture, we know what a blessing it is to gather as sons and daughters. We are not guaranteed this privilege. Missionaries all over the world are still in lockdown, meeting over Zoom. But we can get together.

Often the difference between blessing and burden is our perspective. Think about it: we know this is true with our jobs. family. homeownership. children. All of these things can be seen as a plus or a minus, depending upon our perspective. Noticing life’s blessings starts with a decision to see them.

Decide today to start seeing the invitation to God’s house with His people as a privilege, and you’ll begin to see it that way.

Dear God, we are so glad to be invited to Your house together today. May we come in singing, grateful for the privilege to come into Your presence. Please meet with us, change us, make us more like You. Amen.

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