Thus Far

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpeh and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” (1 Samuel 7:12 NIV)

I came across this scripture this morning, already familiar with Israelite’s history of apostasy occupation, repentance and rededication. Once again they had found themlseves in a battle with an encroaching enemy but God showed up like a storm and sent the Philistines into confusion and ultimately defeat. The prophet Samuel stopped in his tracks, the war receding around him, and built an altar from which to speak truth to God’s people.

“Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

This wasn’t the first or last battle with the Philistines. The Israelites would face them again and the next round would feature Goliath. In fact, they’d continue to wrestle with their neighboring countries for millennia to come, but that day, Samuel reminded them how of the faithfulness of Yahweh. The Lord had stepped up and stepped in on their behalf.

Consider your own story tonight. Stop a moment in the midst of your own unfinished everything and take stock of your family, your marriage, your health, your personal battle against the encouraging evil. Note how the Lord has helped. Write it down, build an altar if need be; a little memorial to jog your memory each time you pass by. Thus far the Lord has helped me.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
(Psalm 46:1 NIV)

Lord, we realize that You’re not done until the victory is won and we are gathered up to go Home. Until then, we continue to recognize and rejoice in the gains thus far. You have brought us a good long way already, and like Samuel, we are grateful. May we not give up, may we not give in, but continue to move forward, thankful and hopeful, ever relying on You. Amen.

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