The Mind of Christ

"In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ."" (Philippians 2:5 NIV)

I appreciate YouVersion’s verse of the day, but I rarely write on it. This morning, though, it caught my attention. What does it mean to have the same mindset as Christ? And how might this mindset apply to our relationship with others? What is Christ’s mindset?

A mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone.

Discovered this poster at a conference last year. The image and quote stuck with me.

I started brainstorming and my prayer journal bears the brutality of it: observed attributes and supporting scribbles all over the page. It’s fun to think about the personality of our Savior; He’s truly the most wonderful person we know. This list is what I’ve come up with thus far. (Note, these observations are from His interactions in the gospels, but I have written them in the present tense because Jesus still lives today and He does not change.)

Gracious. Jesus is approachable, likable and always has just the right thing to say.

Forthright. Jesus is a straight-shooter. We might even categorize Him as uncomfortably honest, but He is so gracious, He can get away with it.

Humble. The humility of Jesus is shocking. He is Lord, but He doesn’t lord it over people.

Outgoing. Jesus consistently makes Himself uncomfortable for the sake of others. He puts Himself out there over and over again, believing His interactions can tear down walls and set people free.

Loving. Jesus somehow does everything in love. He pursues us, convicts us, corrects us, encourages us and builds us up in love.

Forgiving. Jesus pardons freely. With Christ, human repentance triggers immediate relational restoration.

Good. Jesus doesn’t waste His time on anything ugly unless He is redeeming it.

Kingdom-focused. The Upstairs agenda is always eclipsing His personal agenda. Jesus is endlessly about His Father’s business.

One of things I admire most about Jesus is the fact that His mindset doesn’t falter in deteriorating circumstances. He maintains His principles even in deep distress. He is able to hold to the values of heaven even amidst the ugliest throes of humanity.

This scripture in Philippians gives me great hope for my own depravity. It is possible that we, too, can possess the mind of Christ. We can be reformed into His image through steady scripture application, cumulative hours in His presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. The mind of fallen man: the one consumed by selfish ambitions and vain conceit (as described in Philippians 2:4) can be overcome and eclipsed by the mind of Christ. Isn’t that encouraging? Our flesh can be transformed by the Spirit and Word and Person of Jesus Christ. We can become true agents of the Kingdom.

"Therefore, I urge you, brother and sisters, in your view of God's grace and mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your true and proper worship. Do not be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is -- His good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:1-2 NIV)
"But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV)

Lord, today we see plainly how far we are from possessing Your mindset. Forgive us for our human frailties. We are subject to sin and inundated with the world. You live differently. You hold to the value system of Heaven, and we are delighted to find a path of attainment. May we spend ourselves in Your Word and Presence, availing our frames to Your Spirit. Please, in Your mercy, transform us from the mindset of man to the mindset of Christ. Amen.

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