“The lamp of God had not yet gone out and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, were the ark of God was.” (1 Samuel 8:3 NIV)

The lamp of God was golden, pure oil of pressed olives fueled it’s flame. Leviticus 24:1-4 instructed the priests to keep the lamp burning continuously; an ongoing symbol of God’s presence in Israel. Though times were rough – the book of Judges ends with everyone doing as they saw fit – the author lets us know that the lamp of God had not yet gone out. There was still hope.
I read of the lamp of God and childhood memories wash in. There was a lamp in Grace United Methodist, and another in First United Methodist and yet another in Lovilla United Methodist. Actually, every Methodist church I’ve ever set foot in, has such a lamp. I remember it burning continually in the church next door. In all my years coming in and out of that sanctuary, it never went out. Even when the building was empty, when I’d sneak over to pray or sing or escape the mayhem of a parsonage filled with people; the lamp of God was always lit.
My preacher-momma explained it to our confirmation class. The chancel lamp was a symbol of God’s continual presence in His sanctuary. Though we come and go, His presence is constant. Unwavering. He is with us always.
Much like in Samuel’s time, it feels like the presence of God has nearly been chased out of our nation. But be reassured this morning: the lamp of God has not yet gone out. There are still faithful people rising each day to meet with God in Word and Spirit. He has not entirely abandoned us to our folly. Like Samuel, it is our divine responsibility to keep showing up. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep expecting to hear from Him.
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
Samuel’s heart was fully committed. He responded to God’s difficult word with humility and obedience. He was rewarded with greater revelation of God’s glory and an effective ministry.
“The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh, and there He revealed Himself to Samuel through His Word. And Samuel’s word came to Israel.” (1 Samuel 3:21 NIV)
Samuel kept showing up: at God’s house and in God’s Word. Fully committed followers consistently attend to God’s presence and His scriptures. Even as the world buckles about us, we remain fully devoted to the things of God. Samuel reminds us to keep tending to the lamp of God’s presence. Don’t allow it to go out on our watch.
“Look to the Lord and seek His strength; seek His face always. (Psalm 105:4 NIV)
Lord, we don’t know what to do, but we look to You. Much of the world has let go of Your instructions, give us the strength to hold fast. May we keep tending to the lamp of Your presence and scripture. Please meet us with revelation and influence. Don’t give up on us. Amen.