The Blessing of Boundaries

Tonight is our Wednesday night Bible study and we are discussing Mark 5. In preparation, Ive been reading and rereading this passage, especially the bit about the demoniac, paying attention for things I’ve missed before. This morning, this little phrase stood out.

“No one was able to restrain him anymore.” (Mark 5:4 CSB)

An unrestrained life is not a blessing, but a curse. An existence without limits or boundaries is painful at best.

In our spiritual life; fences clearly mark off the best pastures. Containment is a blessing, not a curse.

I must admit, sometimes I look around at the lives of unbelievers and they seem easier. From the outside, it seems like sin pays off. But truthfully, we rarely see the full picture. When we consider the demoniac, we understand where a life of sin leads and it is not an enviable existence by any stretch of the imagination.

The demoniac’s living conditions stand in stark contrast to the assurance we have as believers. We can lay his living conditions beside the psalmist and note the differences. The psalmist recognizes God’s hand of protection and His love in setting limits for His children.

“Protect me, Lord, for I take refuge in You. I said to the Lord, I have nothing good besides You.” (Psalm 16:1-2 CSB)

We can safely assume that there is nothing good beyond the boundaries of righteousness. Certainly nothing worth damaging our relationship with the living, loving God.

“The sorrows of those who taken another god for themselves will multiply.” (Psalms 16:3 CSB)

Going out of bounds will always cause misery. Worshiping something or someone else (even self) will cause our sorrows to multiply. Nothing good is gained by sin. Living beyond God’s boundaries will inevitably hurt. Idolatry will result in sorrow. But blessing lies in recognizing, receiving and reveling in the Lord’s perfect portion to us: His way is good. The sooner we recognize this, the better.

“Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:6 CSB)

Living within God’s boundaries promotes a beautiful life. His sovereignty and structure lays out the best way, the blessed way.

Friend, God doesn’t limit us to punish us, He limits us to protect us. Our fences are intended to keep us from discovering our worst selves; places of pain and shame. We discover our best life when we learn to live contentedly within the gracious borders laid out by God Almighty.

Lord, help us to live content and grateful. Content within Your borders; cognizant of Your desire to protect humanity from it’s worst end. Grateful for Your sovereign wisdom, insight and interference. Boundaries are a blessing to protect us from the curse. May we respect and accept limitations as the loving lines they are designed to be. Amen.

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