Tending to Kingdom Tasks

“Now the Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread were only tow days away and the chief priests and teachers of the Law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill Him.” (Mark 14:1 NIV)

Passover was a high holiday in Jewish culture. Think modern Easter and Christmas in the church The chief priests and teachers of the law should have been neck-deep in prep and prayer, as pastors are in the final stretch of Advent and Lent. The Temple leadership would have had many responsibilities: primarily preparing their people to remember and realign themselves with God’s salvation plan. Passover was a past event, but it was also a type; a historic biblical experience pointing to a messianic principle. The priests and scribes had a Kingdom-critical task to attend to but they were wholly distracted.

Why? Their frustration and hatred had reached critical mass. They could no longer disguise or downplay it. They had fed the beast of anger and fear against Jesus for so long that now emotion would steer their story. They were unable to function in Kingdom purpose because their personal bias had grown out of control.

Oh believer, I’m speaking carefully to you this morning. Don’t forget about your little Pharisee. Any one of us is capable of anger growing to a point where it eclipses Kingdom purpose altogether. The chief priests and scribes weren’t just people,, they were leadership and they lost sight of their most important duty.

Between the coronavirus and the election, public tensions are high. Opinions are huge. Reactions are inevitable. Hang on to your Kingdom agenda in spite of your feelings in this season. Feed your faith, not your rage. Replace Fox News or CNN with time in the Word and make certain your soul is staying on divine mission. The appetite you feed is the one that will rule you, make sure you tend to critical Kingdom things.

I’m sure the chief priests and the teachers of the law could not fathom themselves killing the long-awaited Messiah; yet they did. Their rage and jealousy and fear pulled them off Kingdom assignment and blinded them to their own sinful actions. Be wiser. Walk in the Spirit. Stay in the word. And point people towards Christ.

“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who orders will be subject to judgement. But I tell you anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘you fool’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”
(Matthew 5:21-22 NIV)

Lord, we are convicted today. Forgive us for operating in fear and anger. Redirect us toward Kingdom priorities this pandemic and this election. Help us to think and speak and walk in peace. Amen.

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