Tag: wilderness
A call to a wilderness excursion is actually an exclusive invitation to be with God.
It seems very reasonable that in His own wilderness season, our Savior could have returned to the Red Sea and walked the very path of His people.
Often times we grumble instead of asking God because we aren’t living close to Him to begin with. We think His arms are too short because we haven’t fallen into them.
The forty designated stops in the wilderness afforded the Israelites time to learn live as sons and daughters of the living God. Similarly, we are transformed along our trek.
These feel like clear instructions to the pastor: stay about the Father’s business and keep leading His flock toward to the mountain of God.
“Today, if only you would heard His voice, “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested Me; they tried Me, though they had seen what I did.” (Psalm 95:7b-9…
Being still is not my suit. I wonder if you can relate? I’m a planner, a do-er, a get-er-done kind of gal. Yet I limped through the last week of 2021 in stillness; assuaged with sorrow.
It always wows me how Jesus’ first act after being filled with the Holy Spirit was wandering in the desert. He showed us how it could be done rightly; how one could depend entirely on His Father for provision and protection.