The Father’s Authority

To put this verse into modern terms, God the Father just handed over His keys, His wallet and His iPhone to His only Son. Not just to a station wagon, a rental house and a ten thousand dollar credit line, but to the UNIVERSE. God gave Jesus the authority He required to give eternal life; but we recognize the temptation involved in wearing such authority even for a little while.

Final Instructions

“Devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.” (1 Chronicles 22:19a NIV) These are David’s instructions to his son, Solomon and we don’t have to be terribly familiar with the details of David’s story to read between the lines and catch full…

A Force-less Life

“I have told you these things for a purpose…” (John 15:11 MSG) Wait, what things? John 15:1-10 can be condensed to a list. Jesus the Vine.His Father is the Vinedresser.Non fruit-bearing branches are removed entirely.Fruit-bearing branches are pruned to bear even more fruit.Christ longs for…