Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity looks far different from physical maturity. It’s hands outstretched to receive prison guard or pauper attire. Feet set to follow a path to a place undesired. Spiritual maturity means saying ‘yes’ even when we are wholly unsure about the outcome or dreading the next temporary destination. The relationship with our God always trumps the unpleasantness of our circumstances. We trust our Father to take us Home and we will endure whatever might bring Him glory between here and there.

During The Reign Of…

I have long viewed Herod as an ugly exaggeration of our worst selves: egocentric, paranoid, destructive – an unchecked narcissist at full steam. But today I noted how Herod struggled with the same surrender we all battle. When Jesus is born into our lives, the right response is abdication of our throne. Anything less is a coup and counterproductive to the Kingdom.


I don’t know about you, but ‘subverting’ isn’t a word I employ on a regular basis. Whenever I encounter an unfamiliar word in scripture, I look it up to ensure accurate understanding. ‘Subvert’ does not disappoint.