Refuse to Choose Your Own Adventure

Looking back at my unremarkable adventure book experience, I see a metaphor for my walk with God. I still tend to stick to the safe route; the measured, appropriate path. But the real adventure begins when I trust the Lord enough to let go of my personal plot-line and follow along as He reads aloud. There are, in fact, whole pages of faith that we will never turn to unless He is the sole author of our story.

When I’m Empty

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV) Yesterday I did a lot of housekeeping. I’ve been working on a major writing deadline (stay tuned for an exciting announcement!) and our home was bearing the evidence of it.…

Falling In Love With Jesus

Falling in love with Jesus has been the most transformative endeavor of my life: more than learning to read or write or setting foot in another country or even getting married. Loving Jesus has sent me on a journey of healing and wholeness and love for others that could not have happened by any other means.

Lovely Limitations

God has placed lovely limitations in each of our lives. These are natural boundaries that He has erected with full knowledge of how they might grow and stretch our souls. These limitations may not feel lovely when we bump up against them, but we know God’s character and He has laid them down in great affection for us, determined to grow us up into His image.