Against the Sea

The psalmist points out the ongoing faithfulness and affection of our God. I think about the Israelites and the way we know God blew apart the waters on their behalf, but I also recall that God ‘remembered’ Noah and his family in the flood. Additionally, He ‘remembered’ Joseph in prison. Not that our heavenly Father ever misplaces us or goes on without us, but it seems at the appointed time, He remembers. He steps in and miracles happen.

Despising Our Spouse

Choosing to forgive a betraying spouse is perhaps the most bitter pill a wife can swallow. It requires arduous effort. But if we don’t or won’t forgive, the cost is far greater than our marriage. We can wind up cutting ourselves off from the most rewarding/redeeming relationship of all. We wind up despising when we are created to delight. We stand outside when we have been invited to come close. We thrash about in angst when we could be set free to soar with grace.