After Death

In the crush of grief, Jesus asks us, really dares us, to look more closely at Him and to hold out for His forthcoming reality. As believers, our existence will not end in death. Our loved ones fall asleep and when that sleep comes we’ll be tempted to forget about the promise yet to come. That is why it is imperative that we pull close to our Savior and trust His report over our own crashing emotions.

Not Forsaken

In our flesh, in the dirt of day-to-day living, it may feel like God has failed. Our story might be deeply marked by loss. We may be tempted to believe the lie of divine abandonment. But we must recall: God isn’t through just yet.

We Are Easter People

I have thought so many times; I’m so grateful to live on this side of Easter. Post resurrection. Post ascension. Post Pentecost. Jesus is right, it is better for us that He went and sent His Sprit to empower us for every step of our great commission. I’m so glad to awaken to the promise of fullness, not loss. To hope, not dread. To joy, not sorrow.