A Measurement for Misery

When we remember what comes next, when we take the time to consider the depth of joy and wonder that weighs enough to tip the scale on cancer and school shootings, dialysis and depression, on corrupt politicians, fraudulent court proceedings, record inflation and all the other ugly things fallen man has made prominent — well, it lightens the load for today by some measure.

Storm Cloud Versus Perfection

My relationship with my spouse is a living entity: subject to change, entropy, disease and death. It will never be perfect because it is a covenant between two fallen people still learning to cooperate with the sanctification process. Maintaining a healthy marriage will always require work: attention, intention and prayer. Even with proper care and feeding, marriage is still often tarnished and fraught with extenuating circumstances – the clouds and inclusions of a life lived together.

At the Bottom

“I loathe my very life, therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.” (Job 10:1 NIV) Job was hurting. More than just sad, by today’s terms, he was near-suicidal. He had already stated: it would…

Set Down Your Basket

Jesus sets us free from the heavy burden of our own righteousness. His love and goodness allows us to set down the basket of effort: of doing it in our own strength. With hands finally free of this impossible burden, we instead can lift them in praise. We can finally, fully walk in worship.