Changing Our Name

“My grace is enough. It’s all you need.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 MSG) I’ve been thinking about Naomi this morning, how she left her country full and came back empty. She felt so marked by her experiences in exile that she was compelled to change her…

With Us

“I will make my dwelling with you.” (Leviticus 26:11 NASB) It’s a post-garden promise that we can trace through every Old Testament book and straight into the gospel encounters of Jesus. His fully divine, fully man birth and ministry marked the start of a new…

Hope in Babylon

“Look, the time is coming when I will turn everything around for my people, both in Israel and in Judah. I, God, say so. I’ll bring them back to the land I gave their ancestors and they’ll take up ownership again.” (Jeremiah 30:3 MSG) God…