Tag: preparation
Brides are human beings, bearing the image of God but wearing the world as well.
We exist in a broken world but scripture insists; we are bride preparing for her groom.
Under His sovereign supervision, whatever we are waiting through readies us for the rest.
As great as it will be to paddle through Venice and wander through Rome, I know our incredible anniversary trip cannot compare to the last and best country I’ll ever visit, the one where Jesus and His family live and reign.
Lent begins today and I’ve been asking God about what I might subtract in order to make room for more of Him.
This flesh and blood tent becomes a traveling tabernacle of sorts.
I think about Ruth’s roots in Moab and I remember that we, too, are sojourners. Each and every believer on earth is just passing through on our way to a far better place. We have a Home just over the horizon, a whole new life awaiting us in a land we haven’t yet set foot in.
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with…
Ordination season is upon us. Every year at District Council, pastors gather and pray over new candidates as their call is publicly affirmed. For me personally, it’s an annual opportunity to re-up, to affirm my commitment to answer the call in every way possible.