Governing Emotions

This idea of governing our feelings can be daunting. My feelings are loud and powerful: a bit like the Niagara River spilling over the Falls. Even with that analogy, I recall that the Niagara features a series of locks along the way: allowing for the regulation of the flow of rushing waters.

Two Halves of Life

It’s been said that life has two halves. The first half is all busyness: learning, growing, achieving, collecting, producing, consuming. But the second half is markedly slower: it is the sacred space where one finally makes peace with stillness.

Trading In

The more I pondered the lousy trade I had made with worry, the more I realized the trade I am pre-approved for. My Father in heaven has financed a far better exchange: He’s set it up so I can swap out worry (which is worthless) for peace (which is priceless).