Tag: obedience
Jesus had a geographical location that He climbed to on a regular basis to adjust His worldview. He stayed long enough to emerge obedient. I wonder, what about us?
We credit Jacob as a God-wrestler, but as we bury Rachel in Bethlehem, I wonder if she wasn’t also in a lifelong tussle with a holy God?
Mary didn’t understand but she was more than willing to obey.
“Trembling and bewildered,the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone because they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8 NIV) Fear keeps us from fulfilling God’s instructions to us. Fear of discomfort. Fear of judgment. Fear of consequence. Fear of embarrassment. Fear…
Sometimes God lets us lose a skirmish today so we can repossess the resolve to win at what’s most crucial.
The choices we make today will contribute to the faithfulness or faithlessness of future generations.