Amidst a Rebellious People

Ezekiel was living among these rebels: a holy man among an unholy people. And while we may not yet be amidst death throes in America, we can certainly relate to living amidst rebellious people. One might even ask: how do we survive? How do we serve God in a nation gone astray?

An Unpopular Prophet

“You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me.” (Jeremiah 20:7 NIV) Jeremiah’s obedience to the Lord caused him great distress. He had been instructed: don’t marry, don’t have any children. Don’t…

On Both Ends

“One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision…” (Acts 10:3 NIV) I love this Bible account of Cornelius and Peter. Cornelius is a gentile; yet generous and diligent in prayer. Scripture describes him as God-fearing. One afternoon, he had a vision…

Choosing Our Stance

My flesh is the enemy that surrounds me. The biggest battle for my soul most typically rages beneath my own skin. It’s my desires and will and preference that present the greatest threat to my obedience to God’s commands.