Mary teaches us that praise should not be reserved for the grand finale.
Tag: mothering
The habits I learned while my mother was dying have sustained me ever since.
We look at Jochebed and remember that the faith required for mothering never lessons, it only enlarges as our kids take stronger and stronger flight from the proverbial nest. We trust God for our children over and over again until we all arrive safe at Home.
Today, Mary’s story reminds me that gratitude is a critical element in the parenting but also in our own personal growth. We will never outgrow our need to be grateful.
Mothering is certainly not limited to one day on the annual calendar. Mothering is a day-in and day-out endeavor. This feels obvious when our children are in diapers requiring bottles every three hours, but the responsibility does not lessen when they spread their wings and leave the nest.
Mary allowed the Lord to ident her life in new and uncomfortable ways. She surrendered her uterus; dare I say the most intimate part of the female frame? She allowed God to have His way with her heart and He left an exquisite impression upon it.
If anyone had valid reason to walk away from the pain of relationship with Jesus and His body of believers, it was His mother. And yet, she didn’t.
As I consider our own son’s exodus from the safety of our nest, I think of another Son setting out into a world that He and His Father had created.