Healing the Family Tree

Unforgiveness embitters. It’s been compared to a poison we drink in hope of destroying others. It does, in fact, destroy others, just not the others we had in mind. Unforgiveness infiltrates our family first. It is blight in the branches of our family tree.

Coming In From the Cold

The thing about living in a land with winter is that you really get an appreciation for coming in from the cold. There is nothing snugger then being out in the blustery snow and ice one moment and then in the next being welcomed into a cozy home with warm radiators and steaming cups of coffee or cocoa. In the winter we step inside our friend’s cocoon of warmth, shed our boots and coats by the door and are immediately enveloped in the warmth and love of relationship.

Taking Troubles Upward

“But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before Him.” (Job 5:8 NIV) Now we have to take the words of Job’s friends with a grain of salt. These well-meaning cohorts suffered from slightly-flawed theology. That being said,…