I’m becoming convinced, He can accomplish more in our soul in a season of wholehearted waiting than a lifetime of distraction.
Tag: maturity
A personal log of loss and pain can either soften us toward our travel companions or callous our hearts.
Even though Cain and and his brother became full-grown men with careers and responsibilities, Cain still interacted with the world and God as an emotional toddler. He threw tantrums, he was selfish, accusatory and violent.
As we age, our tents start to show signs of depreciation. But old age and even death is not the end of our story: one day soon, we’ll trade in these canvas coverings for eternal dwellings: homes of brick and mortar.
Spiritual maturity looks far different from physical maturity. It’s hands outstretched to receive prison guard or pauper attire. Feet set to follow a path to a place undesired. Spiritual maturity means saying ‘yes’ even when we are wholly unsure about the outcome or dreading the next temporary destination. The relationship with our God always trumps the unpleasantness of our circumstances. We trust our Father to take us Home and we will endure whatever might bring Him glory between here and there.
Friend, there are no shortcuts to God’s best. If we take the quickest route, we will arrive at the final destination without the character required to sustain such an address.
If bad company corrupts good character then good company promotes good character. I look over my list of friends and the people I pull closest consistently call me to be a better person.
There was something beautiful and biblical about that heirloom cotton field.