Storm Cloud Versus Perfection

My relationship with my spouse is a living entity: subject to change, entropy, disease and death. It will never be perfect because it is a covenant between two fallen people still learning to cooperate with the sanctification process. Maintaining a healthy marriage will always require work: attention, intention and prayer. Even with proper care and feeding, marriage is still often tarnished and fraught with extenuating circumstances – the clouds and inclusions of a life lived together.

Despising Our Spouse

Choosing to forgive a betraying spouse is perhaps the most bitter pill a wife can swallow. It requires arduous effort. But if we don’t or won’t forgive, the cost is far greater than our marriage. We can wind up cutting ourselves off from the most rewarding/redeeming relationship of all. We wind up despising when we are created to delight. We stand outside when we have been invited to come close. We thrash about in angst when we could be set free to soar with grace.

The Best Wine

Friend, you don’t have to wait until the dregs of your marriage to ask for Jesus’ intervention. He comes where He is invited. Don’t just bid Him to the wedding, include Him in the marriage. Keep Him at the center of your union by praying with and for your spouse every day.