Happy Obedience

I have long seen Joseph as a type of Christ, his life given for the salvation of many. But today I see Joseph as a type of us, too. Joseph was so secure in his sonship, so confident in his father’s love, that he happily carried out his wishes, even if that made him a target for the jealousies of others.

Peace Amidst Wreckage

t’s always alarming to me how when someone important passes away, the sun still rises, the coffee still brews, the the laws of physics hold steady and the world moves on even without our loved one in it. We have gone still in grief and shock but everything and everyone around us marches forward as though their life meant so very little in the grand scheme of things.

Against the Sea

The psalmist points out the ongoing faithfulness and affection of our God. I think about the Israelites and the way we know God blew apart the waters on their behalf, but I also recall that God ‘remembered’ Noah and his family in the flood. Additionally, He ‘remembered’ Joseph in prison. Not that our heavenly Father ever misplaces us or goes on without us, but it seems at the appointed time, He remembers. He steps in and miracles happen.