Speaking Truth

Job reminds us: we have an obligation to speak the truth about God to our friends. God expects us to be forthright with our knowledge of Him AND accurate in our theology. Anything less injures. Forthright and inaccurate bludgeons the beholder. Timid but accurate won’t accomplish anything Kingdom.

NPC’s or Souls?

Our individual yet collective quarantine has scarred us deeply. We’ve emerged from our couches and houses even more inward-focused. The Non-Playable-Character paradigm has filtered in to real life. Our increasingly narcissistic society views self as the epic-center of existence and everyone lesser as obstacles to the main objective: leveling up.

Falling In Love With Jesus

Falling in love with Jesus has been the most transformative endeavor of my life: more than learning to read or write or setting foot in another country or even getting married. Loving Jesus has sent me on a journey of healing and wholeness and love for others that could not have happened by any other means.