I was sitting again in Luke 2 this morning when it occurred to me how the principle players in the nativity saga have one thing in common: an uncommon commitment to obedience.
Tag: Kingdom
“Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall.” (Nehemiah 5:16 NIV) I’m home from my journey and I’ve gotten a good night’s rest. But Dr. Beth Grant’s words still swim in my head. “Stay on the wall.” she said. Beth had led our…
“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” (Luke 16:9 NIV) The parable of the shrewd manager is tough to wrap our minds around. How is it Jesus is…
God’s plans are stone and concrete while mine are mere paper and paste.
I’m thinking about my own small ‘yes’ to God. It’s not as big as Abraham’s, but for me it’s uncomfortable.
Repentant people recognize and confess their affliction frequently, they allow the Gardener to come close and lop off the offending limb for the sake of the tree’s overall health.
To put this verse into modern terms, God the Father just handed over His keys, His wallet and His iPhone to His only Son. Not just to a station wagon, a rental house and a ten thousand dollar credit line, but to the UNIVERSE. God gave Jesus the authority He required to give eternal life; but we recognize the temptation involved in wearing such authority even for a little while.