We can look at Moses’ Midian experience and find a blueprint for our own.
Tag: instructions
When leaders are being emotional, irrational, inconsistent or unjust, we can still rely one God’s sovereignty to work the situation for His glory.
When we await Christ’s instruction, we are far more apt to follow through.
We all battle the temptation to get ahead of God and the complacency to stay behind. Christ-followers must match the Father’s pace. All too often, He’s a three-mile-an-hour God. But once in a while, it feels as though He is in an awful hurry. Sons and daughters appreciate His presence profoundly and stay with Him at every speed.
“Young man, I say to you, get up!” He is somehow authoritative and loving at the same time; wielding the tone and affection your father would use to steer you away from danger. Suddenly the weigh shifts in the bier upon your shoulders and you nearly topple from the unexpected nature of it. Dead boys don’t speak but it seems the widow’s deceased son is sitting up and having a conversation with this strange teacher. Good glory, what just happened?
It is crucial to commit scripture to our souls and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
God called the Israelites to renew their covenant with Him via circumcision immediately after they crossed into Canaan. It feels like unfortunate timing.
Modern culture tries to reduce the gospel to ‘God is love’ but many miss the larger truth that obedience is how we love God in return.