At Eighty

By the time we’ve hit middle age, though, we have somehow become wildly opposed to change. We’ve created routines and we cling to them like life rafts. They are soothing and safe. Most of us won’t change jobs or move across the street (let alone across the country). We don’t even want to alter our coffee order if we can help it. Is this really God’s best intention for us?

In Disrepair

The church as a whole is distracted, distant and distraught. A global pandemic plus isolation plus rapid inflation has sent many folks into personal tailspins and the body of Christ is limping along severely dismembered.

Getting Off the Couch

As cosy as our home is, comfort will not cause us to grow. And the Great Commission will not be fulfilled while we are in our jammies. ‘Go’ is a vital part of the instruction. And truly, isolation leads to spiritual deconstruction: we’ve made the enemy’s efforts so much easier when we refuse to leave the house.

Tarnished Yet Treasured

It’s hard for some to believe that God delights in us, but I’ve been a parent long enough to be convinced of this truth. I delight in my kids. I enjoy their presence, their personality, their affection, their interests, their accomplishments, their perspective. Even when they are being ugly, I’m able to remember who they truly are.