Sometimes, we get buried in the awful of a tough season and we forget there’s a God who sees us, trudging alongside in the very same dust.
Tag: good
My devotional space faces east and it is amazing to rise each morning and watch the Lord knit together a new day. It is typically still inky black outside my window when I first open the scriptures, but pretty soon the eastern sky begins to lighten by degrees. The shadows gather in the corners until they will finally slink away entirely. The black of night fades away to blue and eventually brightens altogether as pink and orange and yellow pour forth. Eventually the sunrise overtakes the nightfall altogether.
I can still remember being a kid and reading about stiff-necked people. I imagined them to be thick about the neck and shoulders, struggling to turn their heads to better hear and obey God.
Try as we might, the plans of man will never stand agains the purposes of God.
“Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1 NIV) We live in a time where it is tempting to cease praying and give up altogether, don’t we? Perhaps you are more godly…
David was able to turn down the volume on his feelings and find the truth. God was with him, and that was enough.
Good is God-quality that has been eroded by the passage of time to the lowest grade of acceptability. We have watered it down, like lemonade powder on a church budget. We have taken one of God’s most potent, pure and powerful qualities and reduced it to something far less palpable, something less heady and wonderful.
In this season, we aren’t collective troops in the trenches as much as individuals in hand-to-hand combat for the territory that matters the most: our souls.
We rarely recognize today as the good old day that we’ll long to return to.