Take Courage

“When Ish-Bosheth son of Saul heard that Abner had died in Hebron, he lost courage, and all Israel became alarmed.” (2 Samuel 4:1 NIV) Ish-Bosheth lost the war in his own heart before he lost the war in his land. He did what we are…

Choosing Our Stance

My flesh is the enemy that surrounds me. The biggest battle for my soul most typically rages beneath my own skin. It’s my desires and will and preference that present the greatest threat to my obedience to God’s commands.

Divine Victory

We are still consumed with our transformation from slavery to sonship, sin was the contestant whip at our backs. God knows our pre-occupation with becoming His alone, applauds it and promises to clear out the enemy on our behalf. Like the Israelites, we don’t need some brilliant offensive strategy, we just need to stay close to God.