Dealing With Disappointment

Even when I suspect the worst and it turns out to be true, I will inevitably experience a wave of disappointment. If I give myself over to that wave, it will carry me out of God’s purpose and off to a place that is me-focused. That sea of selfishness is far from God’s best for my life. Instead allowing myself to be carried away, I handle disappointment best when I lift my voice to the Father and air my grievances upward. Crying out to heaven makes my soul stronger in the waves of sorrow, less susceptible to the drift of self-pity.

Asking God for What We Require

God knows our need. He has designated the very zip code where we reside. Our requirements are not unanticipated. The springs are already in place, ready to be signed over into our keeping. The question is, will we draw near and ask in faith? Will we recognize God as our source and make our requests known to Him?