Focused Living

It’s only natural to fall into the rhythm of the world around us: work, eat, play, sleep. Make a buck or two, spend it; repeat. Sit as center of our own universe. But the Creator has invited us to a higher plan of living. He bids us to wait and work and walk with the Kingdom of God in full view.

Apart from the Crowd

to think of Easter crowds and choruses: “He is risen!” How easy it is to worship with the throng on Sunday; especially the high church holidays like Easter and Christmas. How much harder is it to walk the road of repentance toward confession and restoration in a remote location?

We Are Easter People

I have thought so many times; I’m so grateful to live on this side of Easter. Post resurrection. Post ascension. Post Pentecost. Jesus is right, it is better for us that He went and sent His Sprit to empower us for every step of our great commission. I’m so glad to awaken to the promise of fullness, not loss. To hope, not dread. To joy, not sorrow.