Disciplined in Love

The Lord disciplines because He loves. He can see so much farther than we can; He sees where our sin will take us. He knows how rebellion and selfishness will permeate a person and lead us down path of death. He loves us too much to leave us entirely to our own devices. He refuses to take His hand off us, even when His hand is heavy with repercussion. He will not abandon us to our arrogant ignorance. He intervenes. He corrects. He issues consequence as any truly loving parent would.

Looking Within

We tend to look outward instead of inward, don’t we? We tend to focus on the faults of others – which we have no control over – even though we still have a long ways to grow ourselves. There’s enough going wrong within our own frames to keep us busy until Jesus comes back.

Divine Perspective

The Pharisees failed to see themselves accurately in the narrative. We all struggle to a degree. We are all near-sighted, too selfish and too important to see the bigger picture with divine priority. This is why it is critical to engage with Jesus and ask for His perspective.