Getting Off the Couch

As cosy as our home is, comfort will not cause us to grow. And the Great Commission will not be fulfilled while we are in our jammies. ‘Go’ is a vital part of the instruction. And truly, isolation leads to spiritual deconstruction: we’ve made the enemy’s efforts so much easier when we refuse to leave the house.

Gentle Leading

This scripture skips across a couple hundred cell towers and into my heart. “He gently leads those that have young.” This isn’t just a promise for the young, but for those who have young. What comfort!


Pause with me for a moment and revel in the reality of the God of heaven slowing down to sit with us in our sorrow. Note, He is not inexperienced with suffering: Jesus has walked on earth in flesh and subjected the Godhead to the excruciation of temptation, the trauma of sin and even death. God is not too far-off to understand or too insulated to empathize.