Tag: children
Our good Good is a great deal more trustworthy than Mary Poppins.
When my kids left for school, a friend’s house, or summer camp, they were infinitely reminded: “Make good choices and honor Jesus.”
Today, Mary’s story reminds me that gratitude is a critical element in the parenting but also in our own personal growth. We will never outgrow our need to be grateful.
I have long seen Joseph as a type of Christ, his life given for the salvation of many. But today I see Joseph as a type of us, too. Joseph was so secure in his sonship, so confident in his father’s love, that he happily carried out his wishes, even if that made him a target for the jealousies of others.
Friend, there are no shortcuts to God’s best. If we take the quickest route, we will arrive at the final destination without the character required to sustain such an address.
We fail to recall how the job we hold is an answer to prayer, the roof over our head, the car we drive, the spouse we come home to. We forget about the healing we’ve prayed for, the wayward child who’s found God again, the doctor’s report that came back benign, the happenstance meeting that was truly divine appointment. How many times we do our love ones get back safe, despite deer and storms and drunk drivers? God answers prayers but we suffer soul amnesia.
We can trust that even if we get it wrong, God will ultimately make it right.
We need to do whatever is necessary to keep God’s Word in front of the next generation.