I’m becoming convinced, He can accomplish more in our soul in a season of wholehearted waiting than a lifetime of distraction.
Tag: character
Under His sovereign supervision, whatever we are waiting through readies us for the rest.
sanctification requires a lifetime and surrender is a learned skill.
Friend, there are no shortcuts to God’s best. If we take the quickest route, we will arrive at the final destination without the character required to sustain such an address.
We tend to look outward instead of inward, don’t we? We tend to focus on the faults of others – which we have no control over – even though we still have a long ways to grow ourselves. There’s enough going wrong within our own frames to keep us busy until Jesus comes back.
Praise amidst persecution goes against our very nature, doesn’t it? We want to save our hooting and hollering until the end, when the win is secure, right? But remember, my friend, we aren’t praising God just for what He’s done, we are praising Him for who He is.
Good is God-quality that has been eroded by the passage of time to the lowest grade of acceptability. We have watered it down, like lemonade powder on a church budget. We have taken one of God’s most potent, pure and powerful qualities and reduced it to something far less palpable, something less heady and wonderful.