Refuse to Accuse

We can get caught up in the gross spiritual negligence of the chief priests or we can read their story as stark warning for our own. When we accuse, we become an accomplice with the enemy. And if we cannot lay aside our accusations long enough to hear from God, we may be delighting in a downstairs agenda.

On the Horizon

Remember, the prodigal’s father is a description of Father God. He’s the One pacing the proverbial front porch, waiting for any sign on the horizon of wayward kids coming home. He runs out to meet us with forgiveness and restoration in hand: ready and willing to clothe us in righteousness and receive us again as beloved members of his household.

Enemy Pursuit

I have felt pursued. Have you not? Even though I have been a believer for decades, I still wake up in the morning and the worry seeps in, the accusations and the insinuations are still a constant assault. I feel the pursuit of the enemy with a vengeance that feels personal.