Struggle Bus or Trust Bus?

"Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace no one can completely understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds will control the way you think and feel." (Philippians 4:6-7 CEV)

I’ve shared before about my dear friend, the good doctor. She and I have grown especially close in recent years. We’ve shared our lives deeply and amidst many vulnerable conversations, she has referenced “riding the struggle bus”.

I can picture it – a ratty old beast of burden with cases strapped to the roof and duct tape holding the vinyl-clad seats together. Though the struggle bus sputters and chugs with a great deal of zeal and theater, it never actually goes anywhere. The struggle bus the appeal of transportation, but no ground is gained. The riders are simply exhausted from the effort.

In this friendship, the struggle bus has become a metaphor for worry. We are both recovering riders. In this season of soul excavation, the Lord has been uprooting self-reliance and anxiety is the alerting indicator. He’s loving asked me to exchange my struggle bus pass for a far-more premium trust-bus ticket.

The trust bus is a an entirely different experience. The ride is smoother and the destination sure. The passengers enjoy a great measure of peace along the journey. Joy slips in, too, as the scenery glides by and we relish the companionship of our God and Guide.

It’s not unlike our trip to Israel. We touched down in Tel Aviv after twenty-four + hours travel. We followed our pastor/friend/leader through customs and into a crowded commercial parking lot packed with tour buses. He found the one marked ‘Johnny Helton’ and we boarded like baby chicks running after their momma. None of us stopped to question “Is this the right bus?” – we didn’t stop to inspect the other buses or interview the drivers. We simply pout our faith in our known friend, Pastor Johnny, and his ability to fend for our needs in a foreign land. We were all able to relax after our long flights, gaze out the window and appreciate an entirely new view.

The trust bus is similar. We are stepping on to foreign soil wild with imagination about what could go wrong. But instead of boarding the struggle bus, we choose to lumber up the big steps of the trust bus, convinced of God’s care and affection. It is on the trust bus that we exert our belief: He has plans and a purpose and provision for every leg of the journey. It’s soothing to stay in His presence and appreciate the scenery as He moves us along at His pace and pleasure.

"O my people, trust in Him at all times. Pour out your heart to Him, for God is our refuge." (Psalm 62:8 NLT)

Lord, forgive us for our habitual boarding of the struggle bus. Today we see You, holding the placard with our name on it, inviting us to a different sort of transportation and transformation. Give us the courage to step off the familiar and step into our faith; trusting that Your plans are far grander than our anxieties could every imagine. Let us fall into the seat of Your trust bus and simply enjoy the journey of wherever it is You long to take us. Amen.

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