Some Will Sing

“But there are some who will break into glad song.” (Isaiah 24:14 MSG)

Amidst a very grim chapter on the devastation of the earth, this scripture stands out in stark contrast. Some will languish and wither, some will groan and some will be laid waste. But some will sing.

What a ray of hope in our ever-darkening world! The destruction and sorrow are great, but there are still some who sing of the Savior. There are some who offer hope to an aching, breaking existence by simply reminding the earth’s inhabitants to look up. There are some who hang on to hope as though it’s a scrap of driftwood in a stormy sea. There are some who believe that good will win and God will reign and that forever will always be worth whatever we endure while we’re still here.

Today, be the some. Be the few who still break out in song, even in the dark, especially in the pain and always when it appears that evil is in the lead. Be Paul and Barnabas, singing bold songs in prison; praise powerful enough to shake heaven and earth. Sing to God because He is always, always worthy.

Worshiping on the Sea of Galilee.

“Oh let me sing to God all my life long, sing hymns to my God as long as I live. (Psalm 104:33 MSG)

Lord, forgive us when we grow weary of making melodies. Spark our hope anew again. Put a song in our heart and let us be the some who keep singing. Amen.

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